The story of Abby is a story of personal tragedy that was overturned by quick thinking, the miracles of modern medicine and Abby’s perseverance. In July of 2019, Abby, a junior at Parkland High School, suffered a stroke while participating in a leadership conference at Lehigh University. Quick thinking by Diana, an adult on site, saved Abby’s life by understanding what was happening and getting her to the hospital in eighteen minutes. This set Abby on a course to do what leaders do, that is to get back up when knocked down and address problems as opportunities to make a better tomorrow for yourself and others.
Abby has been in recovery for eighteen months, and is continuing on a path that should inspire everyone by continuing her studies, playing the cello and being inducted into the National Honor Society. She has endured having a section of her skull removed to allow room for brain swelling, with the skull section placed in storage to again, through a Craniotomy, be put back in place. She suffered a seizure and over the past year has had services provided by three hospitals. Abby is currently a Pediatric Stroke Patient at CHOP and receives Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy in King of Prussia to regain use of her arm and leg. She lives with her Mom and three brothers in a rented farmhouse since her family house had to be sold to make family finances more manageable. The family is truly thankful for all the support they have received from their Church, medical professionals, Parkland School District, the Krysta Hankee Memorial Fund and a very caring Lehigh Valley community.