The Krysta Hankee Memorial Fund recently had the pleasure to celebrate our partnership with Lehigh Valley Educators Credit Union members and administrators by donating an adaptive tryke and helmet to Malikai. Since his Brachial Plexius injury, received at birth, he’s needed surgeries and physical therapy to develop strength and the range of motion of his arm. His therapists at Cindy Miles and Associates worked with him on his new specialized hand tryke . This will improve these skills while having fun! He was so excited to ride his tryke and was so happy he could take it home to ride. A big thank you to a caring Lehigh Valley community!
Kristin Kohler of LVECU is pictured with Bill and Chris Hankee, Malikai on his new tryke and his mother Lourdes. Malikai received his new ride at Cindy Miles and Associates coordinated by Lehigh Valley Steelforce.